Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts
The Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts (Sanitation Districts) help provide quality math and science education to students with the intent of welcoming all to our profession. During the pandemic, many of the educators we work with expressed concerns related to the impact of virtual lessons on tactile learners. Since it is our core mission to protect the public health and the environment, we found ourselves in a dilemma. How could our water quality professionals safely interact with tactile learners? So, we got creative and set up outdoor virtual classrooms, which are:
• Safely filling the demand for in-person tactile learning
• Intentionally welcoming under-represented communities to our facilities
• Quickly pivoting so that we will not lose students educated during the pandemic
Different from CWEA’s Annual Photo Contest the Community Engagement & Outreach: Photography Award recognizes photos taken at events that promote awareness and understanding of water quality issues. These events can include but are not limited to school tours and classroom presentations, activities held at agencies, or at community events.