Jenn Jones, CAE, IOM
Executive Director
510.382.7800 X101
Phil Miller, MBA
Chief Operating Officer
510.382.7800 X128
Alec Mackie
Director of Communications & Marketing
510.382.7800 X114
Norah Duffy, CAE
Director of Certification
Amy Lai, CMP
Director of Education
510.382.7800 X103
Anabel Martinez, MBA, PMP
Director of Member Services
510.382.7800 X110
Nicole Agnone
Exhibit & Sponsorship Manager
510.382.7800 X115
Nick Bailey
Online Education Manager
510.382.7800 X104
Lydia Guerra
Senior Certification and Database Manager
Cris Consunto
Senior Finance Manager
510.382.7800 X102
Megan Barillo
Communications Manager
510.382.7800 X141
Merin Lund
Senior Member Services Coordinator
Victoria Thornton
Executive Assistant
Meuy Saechao
Senior Member Services Coordinator
Stephen Yang
Member Services Specialist
Brian Mosley
Education Coordinator
510.382.7800 X121
Cela Gonzalez
Marketing Coordinator
510.382.7800 X108
Melanie Guillen
Education and Events Manager
510.382.7800 X105
Tiffany Tong
Certification Coordinator
510.382.7800 X130