Rehab to the Rescue! Maximizing Value from Plant Rehabilitation Projects Join us for an all-day training seminar and vendor exhibition focused on rehabilitation of treatment facilities and pump stations! Learn about the challenges encountered on rehab projects, considerations in maintenance of plant operations (MOPO), and capitalize on rehab opportunities.
Join us in honoring outstanding community contributions at the SARBS Annual Awards Banquet on Saturday, March 15, 2025.
One day Collection Systems Training and Vendor exhibition with Door Prizes! Earn up to 6 CEUs!
This 2-hour Verbal Judo De-escalation Techniques will cover conflict de-escalation techniques that will help water and wastewater professionals learn how to use communication to diffuse tense situations and prevent confrontations from escalating into violence or aggression. The training focuses on effective listening, empathy, and tactical communication to maintain control, ensure safety, and
This introduction course to utility locating provides a foundational understanding of the principles and practices involved in identifying and marking underground utilities. This course is ideal for anyone with utility locating field experience. Key topics covered include
Join CWEA SARBS for an engaging and interactive 5-hour Water & Environmental Career Workshop. This dynamic event features discussion forums, mock interviews, and valuable career and networking opportunities.
The SARBS P3S & Lab Committees have partnered together to provide an informational PFAS training event. Earn 4.5 CWEA Contact Hours and join us to learn about recent source control findings, regulatory updates, and sampling and analytical protocols and methodologies. Gain insights from top professionals in the field, expand your knowledge, network with industry leaders,...
Earn 1.8 CWEA Contact Hours! Come join CWEA SARBS Professional Development Committee (PDC) for a plant tour at the Santa Margarita Water District (SMWD) Chiquita Water Reclamation Plant on Thursday September 26! Networking Happy Hour, sponsored by SARBS for registered attendees, to follow. Plant tour will be facilitated by Tricia Butler (SMWD) and Gregorio Estrada...
Join LABS for a presentation on innovative wastewater treatment methods lead by Chemical Engineer Jas Pannu.
Join SARBS of CWEA on Saturday August 3rd at the Angel’s Stadium for a family friendly Baseball Game and Tailgate Party! Ticket includes food, drinks, baseball game, and a chance to win door prizes!