The Bedell Award was established to acknowledge extraordinary personal service to a WEF Member Association. The nominee for this award is selected by CWEA’s Membership and External Relations Committee.
The award is named for Arthur Sidney Bedell, WEF’s second president for his long devotion and service to the New York Sewage and Industrial Wastes Association, now the New York Water Environment Association. He was Chief of the Bureau of Sewage and Waste Disposal of the New York State Department of Health.
The award is presented by a WEF representative at the WEF Member Association Annual Meeting.
Member of the Water Environment Federation
Organizational leadership, administrative service, membership activity, stimulation of technical functions, or similar participation.
Past Winners
Jeff Tucker ’23
Arvind Akela ’22
Connie Leonard ’21
Carrie Mattingly ’20
Debi Lewis, ’19
Elizabeth Allan ’18
Garry Parker ’17
Nick Arhontes ’15
Zoeanne Tafolla ’14
Berlinda Blackburn ’13
Maura Bonnarens ’12
Darren Greenwood ’11
Steven Agor ’10
Kathy Suter ’09
Denis Pollak ’08
Nicholas Pinhey ’07
Ann Heil, ’06
Tracy Stigers, ’05
Chuck Weir, ’04
Thomas Sutton, ’03
Michael T. Hogan ’02
Donald R. Roberson ’01
Andrew Stamatelos ’00
Thomas Cooke ’99
Charles W. Carry ‘98
Fran Forkas ‘97
James Clark ‘96
Robert A. Baker ‘95
Michael Donovan ‘94
John Larson ‘93
Andrew Fisichelli ‘92
Ronald Bergland ‘91
George T. Ohara ‘90
William N. Clarke, Sr. ‘89
Kenneth Kerri ‘88
Art Courtright ‘87
Daniel J. Hinrichs ‘86
Roger J. Dolan ‘85
Robert J. Barletta ‘84
Thomas I. Ikesaki ‘83
Joseph R. Higares ‘82
Robert A. Webber ‘81
Howard E. Wells ‘80
Walter S. Johnson ‘79
Kirtland H. Brooks ‘78
Chester Anderson ‘77
Manuel Munoz ‘76
Pat Taffer ‘75
P.H. McGauhey ‘74
Ladin H. Delaney ‘73
Leonard Burtman ‘73
Norris Bravender ‘72
Robert D. Whitley ‘71
Elmer E. Ross ‘70
Jack M. Betz ‘69
Raymond Walsh ‘68
Murray B. McKinnie ‘67
William F. Garber ‘66
Robert L. White ‘65
A.E. Greenberg ‘64
William Polanshek ‘63
Frank L. Pierson ‘62
Gerson Chanin ‘61
Sydney Preen ‘60
Richard Pomeroy ‘59
Raymond R. Ribal ‘58
Alvin A. Appel ‘57
Arthur G. Pickett ‘56
Frederick G. Nelson ‘55
Arthur T. Wintergill ‘53
Edward Alex. Reinke ‘50