Attendees at AC23 in San Diego (Salvador Ochoa)
We hope you had a fantastic time at the CWEA Annual Conference & Expo in San Diego. AC23 was an opportunity to catch-up with friends and make new ones during the engaging technical sessions and at the exciting social events. Attendees got to participate in sessions, workshops, tours, social receptions, award lunches, committee meetings, and explore two massive expo halls.
If you didn’t make it – don’t miss out on all the networking, new ideas, and excitement coming-up during AC24 in Sacramento April 2-4, 2024.
During Thursday’s keynote presentation, outgoing President Jeff Tucker shared his view of CWEA as his term comes to end…
I’ve toured the state visiting many different CWEA local sections. And what I’ve seen is our values as an association shining through each person I met.
CWEA, as an association of professionals, is strong and vibrant because of you.
We’re stronger because you made a commitment to others, to be a part of something bigger, to come together across professions toward our common mission. We are stronger for being here to learn from others and to help one another. We are one community, with one purpose.
– Jeff Tucker, CWEA Past President
We want to give a big shout to the AC23 Conference Committee, volunteer moderators, and dozens of other volunteers who help make AC23 possible.
Here’s what AC23 Conference Co-Chair Elmer Alex had to say,
It was so good to be back together, and we have an incredible turnout this year. I would like to thank all our speakers for sharing their experiences with us.
We would not be here today without the efforts of the conference committee of volunteers and the CWEA staff.
We give our volunteers a big round of applause.
Durig the CWEA Annual Business meeting President Chuck Greely shared some of Past President Jeff Tucker’s favorite #2 jokes…
What do you call a Wastewater expert?
A connoissewer.
Where do bacteria go when they are confused?
The clarifier.
Why did the bacteria failed the math test?
He thought multiplication was the same as division.
Why don’t bacteria gamble at Tri State in Las Vegas?
Because they believe a good flush always beats a full house!
These were contributed by CWEA members
I have a wastewater joke
…but it’s crappy.
We’re number 1 in the number 2 business.
We get a rush when you flush.
You dump it, we pump it.
Contribute your favorite #2 joke >
If you’re interested in working on the 2024 Annual Conference in Sacramento, please email Amy Lai, CWEA’s Director of Education.