City of Barstow City Manager Willie Hopkins Jr. announced the Promotion of Kody Tompkins to the position of Assistant City Manager.
As Assistant City Manager, Mr. Tompkins will provide strategic level leadership support for the Finance and Administrative Services, Information Technology department and the City Manager’ Office. He will contribute and oversee upcoming planning for infrastructure improvements and collaborate with a Citywide team on developments.
“Barstow is a diverse and dynamic city poised for growth,” City Manager Willie Hopkins Jr. said. “Kody Tompkins leadership and experience will be key to helping our city excel.”
Mr. Tompkins began his career in 2002 with the City through contract operations at the wastewater plant, later it was acquired by the city in 2012. Mr. Tompkins was the current Acting Public Works Director overseeing the Streets, Fleet, Open Spaces, Building Maintenance, Wastewater and Solid Waste operations at the City of Barstow. He is an active member of the California Water Environmental Association, American Water Works Association and the Water Environmental Federation. Kody Tompkins has received awards for “Supervisor of the Year” by California Water Environmental Association.
“I feel that success is not final, and failure is not fatal: it is the courage to push through that has helped me through my career. My recent promotion is a testament to hard work, dedication and perseverance,” said Tompkins.
Mr. Tompkins is a Barstow native who graduated from Barstow High School. He enlisted in the Army National Guard and completed two tours in Iraq and was discharged honorably in 2009 as a Sergeant. Mr. Tomkins holds a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Management.