Photo illustration by CWEA.
A team of researchers from California State University and the University of California are assessing the economic and environmental impacts of forthcoming water use efficiency standards (AB 1668-SB 606) on urban retail water suppliers. This assessment is funded by the State of California through a mutual agreement between the SWRCB and California State University.
The university research team is reaching out to water collection, treatment, and recycling facilities throughout the state to learn about the potential economic impacts from reduced water use on facility operations and costs.
Dr. Erick Eschker ([email protected]) professor of economics at Humboldt State, is leading the outreach to wastewater collection, treatment, and recycled water agencies. You may get in touch with Dr. Eschker or Dr. Erik Porse ([email protected]) with any questions.
Details on AB 1668 – SB 606 can be found here.
Please help us reach those in your agency best suited to answering the survey questions by forwarding them the email with the survey links above and instruction on which survey to complete.
We strongly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to participate and inform this assessment and subsequently the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) of the consequences of the forthcoming standards.