Meet your CWEA President, Gilbert Barela

CWEA Staff, Career Stories, Members in the News

Meet CWEA’s 2024-25 President, Gilbert Barela, from the Jurupa Community Services District. Gilbert brings a wealth of experience, a passion for water quality, and a dedication to professional growth to his new role. His leadership is not only about addressing current challenges but also about paving the way for a future where clean, safe water is accessible to all.

What motivated you to be nominated for the CWEA Board of Directors and on the President track?

Being nominated for the CWEA Board of Directors and the President track is driven by key motivations. I am driven by a desire for professional growth, making a positive impact, building connections, advocating for members, and my passion for water quality.

Professional Growth

  • Career Development: This role enhances my leadership and management skills.
  • Industry Influence: It enables me to help shape the future of the water environment sector.

Making a Difference

  • Mission Support: I am committed to helping CWEA protect and improve California’s water.
  • Community Impact: This role allows me to contribute to cleaner, safer water for everyone.

Networking and Collaboration

  • Building Connections: It offers a great opportunity to meet and collaborate with other professionals in the field.
  • Sharing Ideas: I can learn from others and share my knowledge to improve our industry.


  • Representing Members: I aim to be a voice for the members and their concerns.
  • Influencing Policy: I support policies that promote sustainable water practices.

Personal Passion

  • Love for Water Issues: I am deeply committed to solving water quality challenges.
  • Creating a Legacy: I aspire to make a lasting positive impact on our water environment.
In your video testimonial, you mention that you would like to focus on a few key goals during your presidency. Could you please elaborate on your plans and strategies for achieving these goals?

My plans and strategies include:

Increasing Representation of Collections

  1. Raising awareness is crucial. This can be achieved through educational programs that highlight the significance of collections work, as well as through hosting workshops where collections professionals can share their knowledge and experiences.
  2. Professional development is essential for the growth and advancement. This includes offering targeted training programs and establishing mentorship opportunities that connect experienced professionals with newcomers in the field.
  3. Recognition. By highlighting awards that celebrate excellence and ensuring teams have the necessary resources and support, we can foster a sense of pride and achievement within the community.

Increasing Representation of Women in Water

  1. With recruitment and retention we can encourage more women to join the water sector and implement policies that support work-life balance and career growth.
  2. Leadership development can be enhanced through dedicated training programs and increased visibility via speaking opportunities and awards.
  3. Creating support networks, by including industry-specific groups and mentoring connections across different career stages

Continuing Work on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

  1. In our ongoing DEI efforts, we will provide further training and share best practices, review policies to ensure inclusivity, and support diverse hiring practices.
  2. We will engage with communities through partnerships with organizations focused on underrepresented groups and promote scholarships for diverse individuals.
  3. Accountability will be ensured by collecting and analyzing diversity data within CWEA, setting DEI goals, and reporting on our progress.

These steps aim to create a more inclusive, supportive, and equitable environment in CWEA and the water industry.

What sets CWEA apart from other organizations? And how do you plan to enhance its standing and influence?

Specialized Focus: CWEA is unwaveringly dedicated to water quality and environmental protection in California, ensuring the highest standards are met across the state.

Professional Development: We offer extensive training, certification, and career advancement opportunities, empowering professionals to excel and grow within the industry.

Strong Community: CWEA fosters a close-knit network of professionals, connected through local sections and events, promoting collaboration and support among members.

Advocacy: We actively shape water policies and regulations, championing sustainable management practices that benefit both the environment and the community.

We are committed to strengthening our position as a leading authority in water quality and environmental protection and we aim to broaden our educational initiatives, providing even more resources and opportunities for professional growth and knowledge sharing.

What unique insights or advantages do you believe your background brings to your role as president of CWEA?

As president of CWEA, my background uniquely equips me to bring several insights and advantages to the role:

  • Technical Expertise: With a strong background in water and wastewater, I possess deep technical knowledge and a thorough understanding of our industry’s challenges and opportunities. This enables me to make informed decisions and guide our organization with confidence and precision.
  • Leadership Experience: My leadership roles in the US Army, Los Angeles Police Department, and various employers have honed my strategic planning, team building, and collaboration skills. These abilities are essential for steering CWEA toward its goals and ensuring our continued growth and success.
  • Commitment to Excellence: Throughout my career, I have consistently demonstrated a commitment to excellence and continuous improvement. I set high standards and inspire others to achieve them, which is crucial for advancing CWEA’s mission and effectively serving our members.
  • Vision and Innovation: I bring a forward-thinking mindset and a passion for innovation to the role. I am dedicated to exploring new ideas, technologies, and practices that can benefit CWEA and its members, ensuring we remain at the forefront of our industry.
  • Advocacy and Representation: I am devoted to advocating for the interests of CWEA members and representing our organization with integrity and professionalism. Building strong relationships within the industry and beyond is a priority to promote our mission and influence positive change.

These insights and advantages collectively enable me to lead CWEA with vision, effectiveness, and a strong commitment to advancing the interests of our members and the broader community we serve.

What makes you tick? Share any hobbies or interests outside of your professional life?

Outside of my professional life, I have a few hobbies and interests that keep me energized and inspired:

  • Outdoor Activities: I love spending time in nature, whether it’s hiking, camping, or walking. Being outdoors helps me recharge and gain a fresh perspective.
  • Reading: I’m an avid reader, with a particular interest in leadership and management. Reading allows me to explore new ideas and cultures.
  • Traveling: Exploring new places and experiencing different cultures is something I’m passionate about. Travel broadens my horizons and fuels my creativity.
  • Volunteering: I dedicate time to volunteering with local environmental and community organizations. It’s important to me to give back and make a positive impact.

These hobbies and interests not only provide me with balance and fulfillment but also inspire creativity and fresh ideas in my professional endeavors.