View our full coverage of new ELAP regulations.
03/17/20 update from the SWRCB….
The COVID-19 emergency has resulted in the recent cancellation of the State Water Resources Control Board meeting on the Proposed Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program Regulations. Consistent with these actions and Water Board guidance, the Division of Administrative Services, Fee Branch is cancelling the upcoming March 30, 2020 meeting to discuss possible fee changes for the ELAP. This meeting will be rescheduled at a later date and notification will be sent via this email subscription list.
03/14/20 update from the SWRCB…
The State Water Resources Control Board meeting scheduled for March 17 and 18, 2020 is canceled. All items including the Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program regulations will be moved to a future board meeting.
The State Water Board previously indicated its intent to provide opportunities for remote participation in light of the ongoing COVID-19 emergency. Unfortunately, the solutions identified and available on an immediate basis would not have provided a satisfactory experience for members of the public participating in the meeting. As a result, the items will be rescheduled to a future meeting, most likely next month. You will receive a separate notice for that future meeting.