Tim Gray, Maintenance Ranger with Helix Water District
Tenure: 9 years
Certification held: N/A
Branch/years of service: Navy 4 years
What is your role?
I work at Lake Jennings, one of Helix Water District’s reservoirs. My role is to maintain and protect the reservoir and surrounding area. This includes cutting fuel breaks to protect it from wildfires, educating the public and enforcing rules throughout the roughly 400 acres we manage here.
What/who inspired you to work in water?
The location. Lake Jennings is my favorite place in the world.
What fuels your passion for your work?
Helping people enjoy be outdoors.
What is the biggest misperception about working in water?
What it takes to deliver water to each customer.
Why should veterans join this field?
We do various jobs here and are constantly having to think on our feet. The military taught me to figure things out and be ready for anything, which are useful skills to have in my everyday work.
What is the most rewarding aspect of your work?
The beauty of Lake Jennings and the countless kids who caught their first fish here or went on their first camping trip.
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